Открыт прием статей в №1(30), 2025 научно-технического журнала "ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ. Проблемы и решения" (ISSN 2500-2996) и регистрация на XIII Международную научно-практическая конференция "ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ТЭК. ПРОБЛЕМЫ И РЕШЕНИЯ" (Уфа, ВДНХ-ЭКСПО, 20-23 мая 2025). Подробности здесь. Все выпуски журнала доступны на странице "Архив журнала" и на сайте научной электронной библиотеки Elibrary.ru.
Проект реализуется в рамках Десятилетия науки и технологий
Заведующий кафедрой
Дамир Мунзирович Зарипов
You are on the non-official website of the Department of Computer Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics, the Ufa State Oil Technical University.
This resource is dedicated to the comprehensive coverage of the department (training activities,competitions, conferences, contests and so on). A resource can be of interest to all who are working (studying or planning to study) in the direction of "Information Technology". In our ongoing activities we can always meet interesting people: scientists, teachers, representatives of the business community.
Testing research at the conference* is a very important event for all researchers. Publication of articles in the collections held by our conferences is in most cases free of charge.
Participation in contests and competitions helps develop the intuition, lateral thinking and the ability to feel something more.
Do not stop there, go for it ...
Yours faithfully,
Head of Department
Damir Munzirovich Zaripov
* In accordance with the RF Government Decree number 475 of 20 June 2011to the published works reflecting the basic scientific results of the dissertation, to equate the work, published in the materials of the All-Union, national and international conferences and symposia. Likes to claim 10 Resolution.